You can get a loan in just a few minutes by using the equity in your vehicle. If you have the title to your vehicle, whether it be a car, truck, or SUV, or even if you have an auto loan somewhere else, you can get access to Instant Cash when what you owe is less than what the vehicle is worth. For example, if your vehicle is worth $2000 and it is paid off, or if you owe less than the vehicle’s value with some other bank or financial institution, you can use a title loan to get money while you keep using the vehicle. Title loans are best when used for short term situations and not intended for long term loans. It’s just like getting any other loan on your car when you first purchased it, the difference is that we will make instant cash loans on older cars with higher miles. If you have a vehicle in good operating condition with available equity, and a stable income and residence, you are most likely qualified for a title loan.
The process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. All you will need to provide is the vehicle, the title to the vehicle, proof of your income and proof of your address, an insurance and registration card, and a spare key.
We can work with you to help locate some of the items you need while you are in the office. We can help acquire items such as paystubs, proof of residence, registration, and insurance through the use of the internet, phone, and fax machine.
We love having a mutually beneficial relationship with our customers. Just like our loan terms, we have flexible conditions for refinancing, or getting more money back, on your title loan. Most companies will say that you must have a loan for 6 months or 12 months before you can borrow more money and they use the same rule for everybody. If you have equity available in your vehicle, we want to loan you more money. In many cases, our customers do not borrow as much money as they get for their vehicles. If this is your situation, you could come back and borrow more money before you even make the first payment. In other circumstances, your available equity will be based on the payment terms that you choose and could also be determined on how you have made your previous payments. Remember that every situation is different and that each loan is subject to approval. Just call us for more information and we can help you decide the best time to refinance your loan for the most money.